Outdoor Mechanical Rotating Tower

Outdoor Mechanical Rotating Tower

Customized Solution
Product Model:LSRT
Project Location:Suzhou China
Panel Area:50 sqm
Project Date:2019-03-14
LSRT4 outdoor P4 Rotating LED Display Tower built in a Plaza located in Suzhou City


Shanghai S2 top creative bar

Shanghai S2 top creative bar

Customized Solution
Product Model:
Project Location:
Panel Area:
Project Date:2019-03-14
Combining the artistic design and practical functional design, the LED display itself is given the height of the artwork.


Cadillac LED shape

Cadillac LED shape

Customized Solution
Product Model:
Project Location:
Panel Area:
Project Date:2019-03-14
The product is soft and has no styling restrictions; it can cover any existing shape without complicated profile design.
