Linso helps the armed police Shanghai team to celebrate the 89th anniversary army foundation

Hits : Update:2019-03-15 16:05

(LINSO LED) assisted the Armed Police Shanghai Corps to organize the performance of the 89th anniversary of the "August 1st Army Day".

In order to welcome the "August 1st Army Day", the Shanghai Armed Police Corps organized a condolences to the old cadres on August 1st. On the stage of building a number of high-definition LED screens provided by LINSO LED, the officers and men of the armed police gave wonderful singing and dancing performances to the veteran cadres, so that the old cadres fully felt the warmth and care of the organization.

Let us pay tribute to the Chinese soldiers! In the war years, they gave up their lives and rushed to the front. In the era of peace, they defended their borders and defended their homeland. At the time of crisis, they built a lifeline with flesh and blood. Where there is danger, there is their presence, and the most lovely people use their lives and blood to maintain safety and stability.